Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Path of Healing

The Path of Healing...the stars show us the way!

We are born of spirit incarnated into flesh. At the moment of our passage into this world of matter, the stars align in a unique pattern of energy that imprints itself on our being. This pattern is not only the key to who we are but also a map we have sent along, to show us the path of healing and growth. As with any map we need to learn how to read the sign posts, the roads and the detours. By studying the planets in our birth chart, we learn who we are; what are strengths are, where weaknesses lie and more importantly our hidden potential.

This awareness is the first step in our growth and ability to reach the pinnacle of our existence. It is an integrated process that takes into account many many tangents of influence—multidimensional hidden processes, subtle changes, and on occasion total rebirth.

Many of the planetary influences in our chart herald healing, but none so deeply and profoundly as Chiron. “The wounded healer” -
Chiron heals through the pain that is born from wounds inflicted in early childhood or even before this life. By overcoming these great trials and tribulations, Chiron allows us to heal these aspects of ourselves, becoming not only fountains of wisdom, but also true healers of others. We can see where this healing lesson is through the position of Chiron in our charts.

Chiron does not act alone though, as the other planetary influences play a role in steering us along this road of self-discovery. The complexity and depth are often seen through the joint effort of all the energies and their relative houses, aspects and signs. This will be a first in a series of writings aimed at deciphering some of the hidden symbols and deeper truths. Stay tuned as we peer through the looking glass of the soul and put together the pieces of the puzzle that will take us to new heights.